Habema Koops Task Force Inspires Joy and Learning During Visit to SDN 1 Dekai, Papua

    Habema Koops Task Force Inspires Joy and Learning During Visit to SDN 1 Dekai, Papua

    YAHUKIMO - The 6th Marine Infantry Battalion Task Force (Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir) from the Habema Koops brought smiles and inspiration to the students of SDN 1 Dekai in Yahukimo Regency, Papua, during a patrol that included social communication (Komsos) activities on Wednesday (29/01/2025).

    The warm and joyful interaction between the task force personnel and the students highlighted the strong bond between the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and the Papuan community. These engagements also fostered confidence and a renewed enthusiasm for learning among the younger generation.

    Lieutenant Colonel Marine Rismanto Manurung, S.M., M.Tr. Opsla., CTMP., Commander of the Yonif 6 Marine Task Force, expressed his appreciation for the genuine happiness shown by the children during the visit. “The joy and closeness of the children to the task force cannot be fabricated. If they are happy with our presence, their expressions of joy speak for themselves, ” he said.

    The patrol and Komsos activities, including visits to schools and interactions with students, represent the TNI's commitment to building closer ties with the community, particularly in education. This initiative is part of the broader effort to support the acceleration of development in Papua.

    “The efforts by the 6th Marine Infantry Battalion Task Force to engage with the students at SDN 1 Dekai are an important step in strengthening the relationship between the TNI and the community. These activities, especially in education, play a crucial role in supporting Papua’s development and nurturing the potential of its younger generation, ” stated Major General TNI Lucky Avianto, Commander of KOOPS HABEMA, following the report on the activity.

    Through their presence and positive initiatives, the Habema Koops Task Force continues to emphasize the TNI's role not only as a protector of security but also as a driving force for progress and empowerment in Papua.

    Commander of the HABEMA Media Task Force, Colonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    yahukimo papua
    Jurnalis Agung

    Jurnalis Agung

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